Page 5 - Say This To Men (Marni Kinrys) : Flip It & Read It
P. 5

First, Here’s What You NEED To Know:

             The truth is, the ONE thing that determines the strength of your relationship long-term…

             The ONE thing that can turn a burning chemistry into lasting love…

             And the ONE thing that, if done in the RIGHT way, can make a man lower his defenses and fall
             helplessly in love with you…

             …Is how well you speak your man’s LANGUAGE.

             This may not sound shocking to you… after all, we’ve all heard before about how
             communication is important… but seriously, do you know just HOW important it is?

             I don’t want to scare you, but…

             Here are 3 SHOCKING communication truths every woman

             should know…

                #1: A lack of effective communication is the #1 cause of


                Did you think that cheating or money problems were the number one reasons for
                marriage break ups? Think again.

                Lifestyle website surveyed 100 therapists, counselors, psychologists, and
                social workers, to gain insights into the relationship behaviors which lead to divorce…

                The results? A whopping 72% of therapists listed “communication problems” as the #1
                reason couples seek therapy, and 65% agreed that communication problems were also
                the biggest underlying reason for divorce.

                So, what does this mean for YOU?

                As unsexy as it sounds; clear, effective communication is truly the most vital aspect of
                your relationship, especially if you want to have a love that LASTS.

                #2: “Emotional dissatisfaction” is the #1 reason why

                men cheat
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