Page 7 - Say This To Men (Marni Kinrys) : Flip It & Read It
P. 7

But, when it comes to getting serious and forming a long-term relationship, it turns out
                that guys want a lot more than what they see on the surface.

                And that’s why, when men were asked what makes them want to stay with a woman in a
       poll, communication skills were ranked as more important to men that
                physical traits like “body type”!

                So, what does this tell us?

                That just as much as you do, men want a wife or girlfriend who they can talk about their
                problems with, laugh with, and feel appreciated, listened to, and loved by...

                …And experience that feeling of; ‘Wow, she really GETS me’.

                When a man finds this kind of woman, this is what makes him think; ‘I can really picture a
                future with her’.

              Whether you’re single or in a relationship, communication is the KEY to being
              (and staying) happy, passionate, fulfilled, sexually satisfied, and
              emotionally intimate with your man…

             So, let me ask you…

                Are you tired of your man looking around (instead of making eye contact with you)
                when you’re trying to talk to him about something important?

                Are you tired of wondering if he’s serious about being in a relationship with you, or just
                seriously wanting to sleep with you?

                Do you get sick of the miscommunications in your relationship, and want the magic
                formula for clear, direct, he-gets-it-communication?

                Have you tried talking to your boyfriend, love interest or husband about a problem and
                despite your best effort to get through to him, he shuts down and emotionally

                Have you started dating someone new, and you want to know exactly how he feels
                about you but don’t know how to decipher his mixed messages?

                Do you run into the same conflict over and over again with your husband, because he
                just doesn’t GET what you’re saying?
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