Page 2 - Say This To Men (Marni Kinrys) : Flip It & Read It
P. 2

Attention all single, married, and dating women…

               Finally Revealed: Exactly What To Say To

               Get Him To Listen To You, Love You, And

                                         Appreciate You…

                         By Marni Kinrys, relationship expert and bestselling author of That’s Not How Men Work & The Wing
                         Girl Method

             Dear friend,

             My name is Marni Kinrys, a.k.a. the Wing Girl…

             Over the last decade, I have worked as a Wing Girl to THOUSANDS of men…

             And this has allowed me to discover first-hand what turns a guy ON, what turns him OFF, and
             what makes him want to commit to a woman for LIFE…

             And that’s why today, I am going to share with you my powerful ‘alpha code’ secrets about
             how to talk to men, that will change EVERY aspect of your love life - whether you are single or
             in a relationship…

             Including the spoken (and unspoken) things that men NEED to hear from you, to feel
             not just intensely ATTRACTED to you, but to feel a deep emotional connection with

             This is the secret ‘alpha code’ to opening the heart of even the most
             unemotional man…

             And as soon as you use these secrets in your love life, your relationships with men will
             transform, almost overnight…

             If you’re in a relationship, your man will automatically start to LISTEN to you, LOVE you, and
             APPRECIATE you more than you’d ever thought possible…

             He will be bending over backwards to take care of you, and satisfy your every need… because
             he knows now that no other woman could ever really ‘GET him’ like you do…

             And, if you’re single, you can use these secrets to instantly ignite chemistry with any man you
             meet, and make him see you as the ONE woman he’s been searching his whole life for…
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